- Grips with 2 arms for coils of tubular elements with vertical axis
- Capacity 1000 / 2000 / 3000 kg
- Internal coils diameter 500 / 600 mm
- Minimum coils height 100 mm
- Grips with 4 arms for coils of tubular elements with vertical axis
- Capacity 1000 / 2000 / 3000 kg
- Internal coils diameter 500 / 600 mm
- Minimum coils height 100 mm
- Couple of brackets for plates packs
- Capacity 10000 kg (5000 kg/cad)
- Plates width 1500-2500 mm
- Internal height ~500 mm
- Brackets for plates packs
- Different capacities and dimensions
- Adjustable single lifting beam
- Capacity 6000 kg
- Length 6500 mm
- Lifting beams
- Capacity 15000 kg
- Length 4500 mm
- Lifting beam
- Capacity 12000 kg
- Length 2700 mm
- Composition of lifting beams
- Capacity 8000 kg
- Length 12000 / 2500 mm
- Joinable lifting beams
- Capacity 100 ton
- Length 10+10 m
- H-shaped lifting beams
- Different capacities and dimensions
- Bilancini ad H fissi H-shaped fixed lifting beams
- Different capacities and dimensions
- Special grips
- Different capacities and dimensions
- Coils brackets + lifting beam
- Capacity 15+15 ton
- Max coils diameter 1900 mm
- Max coils width 2000 mm
- Plate packs brackets
- Different capacities and dimensions
- C-shaped hooks
- Different capacities, dimensions and connection types
- Fixed lifting beams
- Every type of length and capacity
- Cylindrical rolls tong
- Capacity 1500 kg
- Special grips with compressed air
- Design and supply
- Certification and use/maintainance booklet included
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- Design and supply of special lifting and moving machinery
- Certification and use/maintainance booklet included
- Design and supply of lifting scissor platforms with great capacity (>10 ton)
- Certification and use/maintainance booklet included
- Telescopic beams
- Several work load limit and dimensions on request
- Coils lifting equipment
- Work load limit 6000 kg
- Internal coil diameter 500/600 mm
- Brackets work load limit 1000 kg/cad
- Several work load limit and dimensions on request
- Machinery lifting beams
- Several work load limit and dimensions on request
- H beam with working load capacity 10 ton
- Several work load limit and dimensions on request
- Special devices for 360° rotations
- Special design in relation to object to be rotated
- CE-certification and use and maintenance manual included
- Special devices for 360° rotations
- Special design in relation to object to be rotated
- CE-certification and use and maintenance manual included
- Special devices for lifting and 90° rotations
- Special design in relation to object to be rotated
- CE-certification and use and maintenance manual included
- Special hooks for fork lift trucks
- Special design in relation to the object to be lifted and to the truck
- CE-certification and use and maintenance manual included
- Coils bracket with w.l.l. 5-10-15-20-30 ton
- CE-certification and use and maintenance manual included
- Single fixed beams with several lower connection points
- Every length and working load limit, with CE marking and use and maintenance booklet
- Adjustable single beams with brackets
- Every length and working load limit, with CE marking and use and maintenance booklet
- Adjustable H-beams with brackets
- Every length and working load limit, with CE marking and use and maintenance booklet
- Adjustable H-beams with brackets
- Every length and working load limit, with CE marking and use and maintenance booklet
- Adjustable H-beams with brackets
- Every length and working load limit, with CE marking and use and maintenance booklet
- Adjustable SPECIAL H-beams with brackets and/or special connections
- Every length and working load limit, with CE marking and use and maintenance booklet
Note: photos are only few examples. All devices can be designed according to your needs with different capacity and dimensions.